If you have a denial from the Board of Veterans Appeals, you have 120 days to appeal that decision to the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims.
Here at The Veterans Consortium, we can help with your appeal to the Court. We will review your case and provide you with a free attorney if you meet the following criteria:
- You are a veteran (or qualifying family member of a veteran);
- You have received a denial from the Board of Veterans’ Appeals (BVA);
- You do not have an attorney to help you; and,
- We find at least one meritorious issue we can argue before the Court.
Remember, you only have 120 days to appeal a denial from the BVA. See below for more information on appealing to the Court.
Not sure if you have a case to appeal to the CAVC? Fill out our Appeal Intake Form here and someone will get back to you: Appeal Intake Form.
If you are certain you have a decision from the Board of Veterans Appeals to appeal, you can apply for our Program by electronically filling out the necessary forms here: TVC and Court Forms
Note: Once filled out and submitted, they get sent automatically to our Program; we will reach out to you after we receive them.
If you’d rather print, complete, and mail the paperwork, you can use this link to download the forms needed.
Reminder: Don’t forget to include a copy of your Board decision.The Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program
2101 L Street NW, Suite 225
Washington, DC 20037
F: (202) 628-8169
You have 120 days from the mailing date of your final BVA decision to file an appeal. The Court cannot usually extend this time, so file your appeal as soon as possible!
- Complete the Court’s Form 1 (Notice of Appeal) and send it to the Court. See the Court's website for additional information: U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
- Submit the Court's Form 4 (Declaration of Financial Hardship) to waive their filing fee; or in the alternative, you may pay the one-time $50 filing fee.
- If you are coming close to your 120-day deadline, you can write your own Notice of Appeal to the Court. Simply write on a piece of paper (handwritten or typed): 'I want to appeal my BVA decision dated _______.' Make sure you include your name, current mailing address, phone number, email address (if you have one), and your VA Claim number.
- You do not need a lawyer to file the appeal.
Mail, email, or fax the completed Court form(s) to:
Clerk of Court
U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
625 Indiana Avenue, N.W., Suite 900
Washington, DC 20004-2950
P (202) 501-5970
F (202) 501-5848 *
Email: self-rep@uscourts.cavc.gov
*NOTE: If the Appeal is faxed to the Court, contact the Court to confirm that the Notice of Appeal is received. The Court is not responsible for faxed, but unconfirmed, Notices of Appeal.
If emailing the completed Notice of Appeal form to self-rep@uscourts.cavc.gov; you will get immediate confirmation that it was received.
- A Notice of Appeal will still be considered on time even if the Court does not receive it within the 120-day deadline IF you mailed it to the Court’s correct address AND it contains a legible U.S. Postal Service postmark dated within the 120-day time limit. Regular, first-class mail is fine. You do not need to send it express mail, priority mail, or certified mail. (Note that a Federal Express, UPS or other delivery service date stamp, or foreign postal service postmark, does not count, and if you send your Notice of Appeal in any of these ways, the date the Court receives your Notice of Appeal will be your filing date.)
The Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program
(888) 838-7727 (toll-free); press option 3
(202) 628-8164, press option 3
We also provide resources to those who do not have a final decision from the Board here.
Mailing address:
The Veterans Consortium c/o CAVC
2101 L Street NW, Suite 225
Washington DC 20037
Phone: (888) 838-7727 (toll free)
Fax: (202) 628-8169
Email: mail@vetsprobono.org
Please note we are not able to provide representation for legal issues not appealable to the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, such as family law, landlord tenant disputes, medical malpractice, etc. For assistance regarding these and other legal issues, please visit the Stateside Legal website at www.statesidelegal.org to search for legal resources in your state. For veterans and their loved ones in the DMV area who have legal issues not appealable to the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, please contact our legal clinics for advice and referrals.