April 2020 VIP: Doug Micheel, Esq.
Doug Micheel, Esq.
Pepco Holdings, LLC
Member, TVC National Volunteer Corps
April's Volunteer Inspiring Pro Bono (VIP) has been a quiet force with TVC since 2015. He has been an active and dedicated volunteer who has worked tirelessly for the clients he has represented. Doug Micheel is an Assistant General Counsel in the regulatory department at Pepco Holdings, LLC, an Exelon Company. Exelon is strongly committed to pro bono service and was honored by The Pro Bono Institute in 2017 with the Zelon Pro Bono Award for leadership within the legal community to increase pro bono legal services and improve access to justice.
“I’m proud to be a part of Exelon’s commitment to our community and to veterans in particular,” says Doug. “All of my clients have been great to work with and are genuinely appreciative. I really enjoy working with TVC because I can see tangible results that make a positive impact on veterans lives.”
Doug is originally from Davenport, Iowa and comes from a long line of military service. His grandfather, father, and his brother all served in the U.S. Army. “In 2015, I was looking for Pro Bono opportunities and came across The Veterans Consortium and took their training,” he says. “It just made sense to me to help those who have fought for us and it was also a way for me to honor my family members who served.”
Doug has won remands for all three clients he has represented and credits TVC’s professional training and mentor program as significant factors in his success. “The great thing about working with TVC is that they set their volunteers up for success. Starting with the screening memo, which spots issues and the tremendous help from the expert mentors, you always feel supported.”
Doug most recently won a remand for a Vietnam-era Navy veteran who suffered from bilateral hearing loss and tinnitus due to his occupational specialty as a gunner’s mate. The Court agreed with Doug’s argument that that the Board had failed to consider potentially favorable evidence and the case was remanded.
When Doug isn’t working or volunteering with TVC, he likes to spend time with his family and take long walks with his dog. He enjoys birdwatching and reading books about history.
“We’re so appreciative to have Pepco Holding’s support and to have Doug as a member of our TVC National Volunteer Corps. We thank his family for their service to our country and Doug for his service to our nation's defenders,” says Courtney Smith, TVC Senior Director, CAVC Practice. “We look forward to continuing this very successful partnership."