Nicole Salet

Nicole Salet serves as a Legal Assistance Programs Coordinator at The Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program. Nicole assists Deputy Director of Legal Assistance Programs, Chesley Roberts, with organizing and running Legal Advice and Referral Clinics, as well as case intake, review, and management.

Nicole grew up in Texas before pursuing a double major in English and Government (B.A.) at Dartmouth College. After graduating in 2020, she moved to D.C. and spent two years as a strategy and management consultant in the government contracting industry before pivoting back to the nonprofit sector, where she finds alignment between her professional skills and personal values.

Her prior experience in the nonprofit world come from her time working as a Participatory Grantmaking Associate at Borealis Philanthropy and as a Legislative Fellow at the National Council on Problem Gambling. She also has international experience, working as a Legal Assistant at a law firm in Paris called Alérion Société d’Avocats.